Qi Li received the B.E. degree in Automation from China University of Petroleum in 2011, and the PhD degree in Pattern Recognition and Intelligent System from University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (UCAS) in 2016 advised by Prof. Tieniu Tan. Since July 2016, Dr. Qi Li has joined the Center for Research on Intelligent Perception and Computing (CRIPAC), National Laboratoty of Pattern Recognition (NLPR), Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CASIA) where he is currently an Associate Professor. His group leaders are Prof. Tieniu Tan and Prof. Zhenan Sun. His research interests include computer vision, biometrics, face recognition etc.
[May 2024] My paper is accepted by TPAMI!
[Mar 2024] One paper is accepted by PR. Congratulations to Qiyao Deng!
[Feb 2024] One paper is accepted by TIFS. Congratulations to Fangling Jiang!
[Jan 2024] One paper is accepted by TPAMI. Congratulations to Jianxin Sun!
[Jul 2023] One paper is accepted by TPAMI. Congratulations to Yunfan Liu!
[Mar 2023] One paper is accepted by IJCV. Congratulations to Fangling Jiang!
[Mar 2023] My paper is accepted by PR.
[Nov 2022] I am awarded the second prize of Technology Invention Award of China Society of Image and Graphics.
[Oct 2022] One paper is accepted by TCSVT.
[Jun 2022] Our CVPR is selected as one of the CVPR Best Paper Candidates! Congratulations to Jianxin Sun.
[Mar 2022] One new paper FaceSwapper is released!
[Mar 2022] One paper is accepted by CVPR 2022.
[Mar 2022] One paper is accepted by TMM.
[Aug 2021] I will serve as a Senior Program Committee Member for AAAI 2022 (meta reviewer).
[Aug 2021] Internship Opening: I am looking for some self-motivated candidates who have strong coding skills and English ability. If you are interested in doing research on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, please send your CV to me.
[Jul 2021] Two papers are accepted by ACM MM 2021.
[Jun 2021] Four papers are accepted by IJCB 2021.
[May 2021] We are holding DeepFake Game Competition (DFGC) [Here].
[Apr 2021] One paper is accepted by CVPR 2021.
Learning Disentangled Representation for One-shot Progressive Face Swapping
Qi Li, Weining Wang, Chengzhong Xu, Zhenan Sun, Ming-Hsuan Yang
in TPAMI, 2024.
AnyFace++: A Unified Framework for Free-Style Text-to-Face Synthesis and Manipulation
Jianxin Sun, Qiyao Deng, Qi Li#, Muyi Sun, Yunfan Liu, Zhenan Sun
in TPAMI, 2024.
GAN-Based Facial Attribute Manipulation
Yunfan Liu, Qi Li#, Qiyao Deng, Zhenan Sun, Ming-Hsuan Yang
in TPAMI, 2023.
Adversarial Learning Domain-Invariant Conditional Features for Robust Face Anti-spoofing
Fangling Jiang*, Qi Li*, Pengcheng Liu, Xiangdong Zhou, Zhenan Sun
in IJCV, 2023.
Semantic-based Conditional Generative Adversarial Hashing with Pairwise Labels
Qi Li, Weining Wang, Yuanyan Tang, Chengzhong Xu, Zhenan Sun
in Pattern Recognition, 2023.
AnyFace: Free-style Text-to-Face Synthesis and Manipulation
Jianxin Sun, Qiyao Deng, Qi Li#, Muyi Sun, Min Ren, Zhenan Sun
in CVPR, 2022.
One of the Best Paper Finalists in CVPR 2022 (33/8161)!
Semantic-aware Noise Driven Portrait Synthesis and Manipulation
Qiyao Deng, Qi Li#, Jie Cao, Yunfan Liu, Zhenan Sun
in IEEE Transactions on MultiMedia, 2022.
Boosting End-to-end Multi-Object Tracking and Person Search via Knowledge Distillation
Wei Zhang, Lingxiao He, Peng Cheng, Xingyu Liao, Wu Liu, Qi Li, Zhenan Sun
in ACM MM, 2021.
Multi-caption Text-to-Face Synthesis: Dataset and Algorithm
Jianxin Sun, Qi Li#, Weining Wang, Jian Zhao, Zhenan Sun
in ACM MM, 2021.
One Shot Face Swapping on Megapixels
Yuhao Zhu, Qi Li#, Jian Wang, Chengzhong Xu, Zhenan Sun
in CVPR, 2021.
A3GAN: An Attribute-Aware Attentive Generative Adversarial Network for Face Aging
Yunfan Liu, Qi Li, Zhenan Sun, Tieniu Tan
in IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics, 2021.
A General Framework for Deep Supervised Discrete Hashing
Qi Li, Zhenan Sun, Ran He, Tieniu Tan
in IJCV, 2020.
Reference Guided Face Component Editing
Qiyao Deng, Jie Cao, Yunfan Liu, Qi Li#, Zhenan Sun
in IJCAI, 2020.
Age Progression and Regression with Spatial Attention Modules
Qi Li*, Yunfan Liu*, Zhenan Sun
in AAAI, 2020.
Controllable Multi-Attribute Editing of High-Resolution Face Images
Qiyao Deng, Qi Li, Jie Cao, Yunfan Liu, Zhenan Sun
in IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics, 2020.
Adversarial Learning Semantic Volume for 2D/3D Face Shape Regression in the Wild
Hongwen Zhang, Qi Li, Zhenan Sun
in IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2019.
Attribute-aware Face Aging with Wavelet-based Generative Adversarial Networks
Yunfan Liu*, Qi Li*, Zhenan Sun
in CVPR, 2019.
Deep Supervised Discrete Hashing
Qi Li, Zhenan Sun, Ran He, Tieniu Tan
in NeurIPS, 2017.
Combining Data-Driven and Model-Driven Methods for Robust Facial Landmark Detection
Hongwen Zhang, Qi Li#, Zhenan Sun, Yunfan Liu
in IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics, 2017.
Professional Activities
Committee member of CAAI-PR, CSIG-BVD
Member of the board of directors of BSIG
Reviewer for journals:
Reviewer for conferences:
Awards and Foundations
2024 Chinese Conference on Biometric Recognition Best Paper Award
2024 IEEE FG Workshop Best Paper Award
Young Elite Scientist Sponsorship Program by the Beijing Association for Science and Technology
中国图象图形学学会技术发明奖二等奖 “视听觉个体感知与交互关键技术与应用” (陈孝良、何召锋、李琦、常乐、李胜广、王云龙)
国家重点研发青年科学家项目《互联网金融个人生物信息可信识别与隐私保护技术研究》 主持
国家自然科学基金面上基金《人脸属性编辑关键问题研究》 主持
国家自然科学基金青年基金《数据和模型联合驱动人脸识别技术研究》 主持
Student Collaborators/Interns
I have gotten to work with some wonderful collaborators.
- Collaborator
Fangling Jiang, University of South China
- PhD [co-supervised with Prof. Tan or Prof. Sun]
Wei Zhang, CASIA
Xinyang Song, CASIA
Zhiwei Li, CASIA
Shibo Sun, CASIA
- Masters
Shuangjun Du, CASIA
Jiali Jin, CASIA
Can Cao, CASIA
- Undergraduates
Yaru Li, BUPT, now @ CMU
Lijuan Hu, TJU, now @ Cornell University
- Senior High School Students
Haile Lei, RDFZ, now @ University of St Andrews
Qingyang Wang, RDFZ, now @ Tsinghua University
- Alumni
Jianxin Sun, now @ Ant Group
Muyi Sun, now @ BUPT
Yunfan Liu, now @ UCAS
Qiyao Deng, now @ People's Public Security University of China
Yuhao Zhu, now @ China Academy of Railway Sciences Corporation Limited
Jincai Xu, now @ Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences
Mingkang Liu, now @ Shanghai University
Xingqun Qi, now @ BUPT
Zijian Wang, now @ BUPT